lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Coaching is not only for Sport,Business can be considered in the same terms as high level sports

August 31, 2009 by Jessica Catflap

Every professional sports player or athlete in the world has had a coach with previous experience driving them to succeed. People like Roger Federer and Tiger Woods didnt start as the best in the world, but had the help of a good coach to perfect their technique.
In all sports, coaches are able clearly pick out where a players technique is faulted or has changed in some way and instruct them on how they can improve it. Coaches are vital in this respect because they keep the players performing at the top of their game.
Business can be considered in the same terms as high level sports. If a business is going to perform at the highest level then it is a good idea to use a business expert in order to maintain your edge. A good business coach will be able to look at your business from an impartial view point. This will allow you to see your business as your customers and competitors see you. Gaining an impartial view of your business can be vital as it will allow you to spot problems before they become detrimental to your profits.
Business coaches will usually have particular expertise in a specific industry or area of business. You should endeavour to choose one who you can be confident will bring in a substantial return on investment from your marketing expenses. The vast majority of businesses must buy their customers in the beginning, very few generate business for free and a good business coach will ensure that you receive a maximum return on the investment you make into building your customer base.
Although all businesses are different, most business systems and processes revolve around the same ideas and a good business coach will perfect your methods and processes to maximise your profits while reducing expenditure. It is easy to put new systems in place, but to keep them going effectively in the long term can be tough. Regular meetings with your business coach will ensure that you are keeping the systems in place in a way that is most profitable to you.
Successful businesses use a business coach, or at least will have used one at some point in order to become successful; it is not simply a coincidence. In the rough trading environment of todays economy it is more important than ever to seek help from a professional who has dealt with these conditions before.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Business Coaching is Now for the Contemporary Entrepreneur

by Chari Darneal
Traditional methods of conducting business wherein sales figures were highly dependant on the quality of the product alone, are fast becoming obsolete. To survive in the modern economy, entrepreneurs require a competent workforce along with excellent advertising and marketing skills to sell their products. There is stiff competition among business tycoons and the ‘survival of the fittest’ rule has never been more prevalent in the corporate world than it is today. Many small business owners are wiped off in this race for space, money and power. To survive this ruthless competition, they require guidance and direction from a skilled business coach, who understands the fundamentals of energizing a successful business. Hiring a business coach can benefit top-level decision makers as also business executives and help them overcome the hurdles they face in their path to success. With the help of an efficient business coach, entrepreneurs can obtain new insights in routine business activities and can effectively implement new business strategies to maximize profits. Typically, a business coach touches all aspects of business management, leading to efficient business operation, higher productivity scale and enhanced sales figures.

Though business coaching is a relatively new field, an increasing number of management students are taking interest in this challenging profession. Apart from basic skills such as good communication skills, language skills, up to date knowledge of the corporate world, a relevant degree is also required to pursue this profession. Business coaching can be an excellent profession for people who have keen interest in business operations and who have an aptitude for coaching. However, eligibility criteria may vary depending on the type of institute or educational organization. Institutes help individuals enhance the specialized skills required to coach executives and business professionals in a workplace environment. Individuals are taught the method of incorporating their knowledge and expertise in business coaching that can be combined with the experience and skills of business owners to result in a positive outcome. Individuals learn the principles, methods and values of business coaching so that they can effectively demonstrate its worthiness in a business environment. They are also encouraged to understand all the major factors that can hamper effective business coaching in a business setup and the ways to overcome such hurdles.

Typically, there are different types of business coaching and business owners can opt for coaching for a specific purpose or for the general welfare of the organization. While coaching for skills aims to sharpen business and management skills of entrepreneurs, coaching for development aims to make business owners more competent and adapt themselves to the changing business trends.

A skilled business coach helps clients identify their strengths and weaknesses, and strives to polish them. Many business owners themselves are unaware sometimes of their organization’s strengths and hidden potentials. They get a completely new perspective to implement new business plans and accomplish their objectives. A business coach not only aims towards increasing profits but also works towards creating a harmonious work environment. Business owners learn to manage their human resources with ease and address various issues to subsequently improve the efficiency of the workforce.

A large number of organizations look to business consultants who analyze the problems of the organization to provide amicable business solutions. However, an experienced business coach aims to help business owners work out a solution on their own. Business owners learn to utilize their talents and expertise at optimum levels, to assess a problem and solve it. Enhanced business skills and better productivity can save a lot of time and stress associated with managing a business. Much-needed benefits such as better analytical skills, productive work environment, improved working relationships and effective time management are some of the reasons why smart entrepreneurs hire an expert business coach.

Author Information

Chari Darneal
Business Coach

Coaching Statistics

Coaching Statistics

Build a Commitment-Based Action-Oriented Organization Through Coaching

The International Coach Federation surveyed 210 coaching clients for demographic data and feedback /opinions about the value and use of coaching. Of these respondents, 197 were employed professionals. All had a formal, on-going relationship with a coach with an average duration of 9 months. Over 80% of the respondents had undergraduate degrees and over a third had Master’s degrees or higher.

Value of the coaching investment:

70% "very valuable" 28.5% "valuable"

Level of confidence in the coach:

50% confide in their coach as much as their best friend, spouse or therapist, 12% confide in their coach more than anyone else.

Main role of the coach:

84.8 % sounding board
78.1% motivator
56.7% friend
50.5% mentor
46.7% business consultant
41% teacher
Typical issues:

84.5 % time management
74.3% career guidance
73.8% business advice
58.6% relationship / family issues
51.9% physical / wellness issues
45.2% personal issues
39.5% goal-setting
38.1% financial guidance
11% creativity
Outcomes attributed to coaching:

67.6% higher level of self-awareness
62.4% smarter goal-setting
60.5% more balanced life
57.1% lower stress levels
52.9% self-discovery
52.4% more self-confidence
43.3% improvement in quality of life
39.5% enhanced communication skills
35.7% project completion
33.8% health or fitness improvement
33.3% better relationship with staff
33.3% better family relationships
31.9% increased energy
31.9% more fun
25.7% more income
25.7% stopped a bad habit
24.3% change in career
22.9% more free time
The survey was conducted by Amy Watson, Principal, PROfusion Public Relations, with survey design assistance by Jackie Rieves Watson, Ph.D., professor of Management and Statistics, Amber University.

An organization operating with a new master paradigm, the Re-Invention Paradigm, by contrast, develops an organizational context that operates from practices designed to invent and commit, the practices necessary to operate in a mode of transformation, declaring the future rather than predicting it, taking a stand rather than generating consensus, making bold promises that you don't know how to keep.
From The Last Word of Power by Tracy Gross

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009

Progress on The Millenium Development Goals

Progress on the MDGs?
by Matthew Cordell

The 2009 MDG Report (pdf), leading into the 2010 MDG review conference that represents the last major recommitment before 2015, is both promising and disturbing. Actual progress has been made, but the economic crisis is cutting severely into those gains, and, at this pace, the world will fall far short of achieving the Goals.

Overall, the number of people living in poverty (under $1.25 a day) had dropped by 400 million from 1990 to 2005 (1.4 billion) despite the growth in world population, an astounding number that, on its own, is proof that the Goals are achievable. However, the economic crisis chiseled away at that progress, and 90 million more people are expected to be added back to those rolls this year. Success in reducing hunger worldwide is likewise being reversed.

That news was delivered to the Hill last week at a well-attended briefing helmed by Anita Sharma, North American Coordinator of the Millennium Campaign, Francesca Perucci from UN Stats, and Dan Carucci, Vice President for Global Health at UNF.

Carucci delivered good news on Goal 4. Deaths of children under the age of five dropped from 12.6 million a year in 1990 to 9 million a year in 2007. He specifically pointed out the dramatic surge in the delivery of bed-nets to combat malaria in Africa and the success of measles vaccination programs. The world is also nearing the goal of universal enrollment in primary education , particulary in southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where enrollment increased by 11 and 15 percent respectively between 2000 and 2007.

On every other mark though, we're far behind pace. The most stark reminder came from Carucci: "in 2000 500,000 women died while giving birht, 500,000 died in 2005, and 500,000 will die this year." That is to say, there has been zero progress on Goal 5, reducing the maternal mortality rate by 75 percent.

The report overall is fascinating. It's rare that you get an engaging accessment of how the entire world is working toward achieving collective goals. I highly recommend at least skimming the whole thing (pdf).

martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

El poder Curativo de la Palabra por Brad Hunter


La palabra, junto con el poder de la vibración es capaz de crear, sanar y también destruir.

La teoría indica que cuando focalizamos nuestra mente en algo, y a esto le sumamos el sentimiento y la emoción para finalmente expresarlo, estamos exteriorizando y materializando un poder que estará afectando los reinados de la materia


Si cada uno de nosotros estuviésemos conscientes de que la energía liberada en cada palabra afecta no sólo a quien se la dirigimos sino también a nosotros mismos y al mundo que nos rodea, comenzaríamos a cuidar más lo que decimos.

Los antiguos esenios sabían de la existencia de un enorme poder contenido en la oración, el verbo y la palabra. Los antiguos alfabetos, como el sánscrito, el arameo y el lenguaje hebreo son fuentes de poder en sí mismos. Los esenios utilizaron la energía que canaliza el lenguaje - la cual era la manifestación final del pensamiento, la emoción y el sentimiento- para manifestar en la realidad la calidad de vida que deseaban experimentar en este mundo. En las culturas del antiguo Oriente eran utilizados los mantras, los rezos, los cánticos y las plegarias con una intención predeterminada como técnicas para materializar estados internos y programar, de una forma ignorada por nosotros en la actualidad, realidades pensadas, deseadas y afirmadas previamente.

Los estudios realizados por físicos cuánticos comienzan a redescubrir y validar el enorme conocimiento olvidado de antiguas culturas ancestrales. Un conocimiento que se encuentra aún escondido y olvidado y que nos aportaría el poder de cambiar nuestro mundo.


La más reciente investigación científica rusa apunta a que el ADN puede ser influido y reprogramado por palabras y frecuencias, sin seccionar ni reemplazar genes individuales. Solo el 10% de nuestro ADN se utiliza para construir proteínas, y este pequeño porcentaje del total que compone el ADN es el que estudian los investigadores occidentales. El otro 90% es considerado “ADN chatarra”. Sin embargo los investigadores rusos, convencidos de que la naturaleza no es tonta, reunieron a lingüistas y genetistas -en un estudio sin precedentes- , para explorar ese 90% de “ADN chatarra”.

Los resultados arrojaron conclusiones impensadas: según los estudios, nuestro ADN no sólo es el responsable de la construcción de nuestro cuerpo, sino que también sirve como almacén de información y para la comunicación a toda escala de la biología. Los lingüistas rusos descubrieron que el código genético, especialmente en el aparentemente inútil 90%, sigue las mismas reglas de todos nuestros lenguajes humanos. Compararon las reglas de sintaxis (la forma en que se colocan juntas las palabras para formar frases y oraciones), la semántica (el estudio del significado del lenguaje) y las reglas gramaticales básicas y así descubrieron que los alcalinos de nuestro ADN siguen una gramática regular y sí tienen reglas fijas, tal como nuestros idiomas.

Por lo tanto, los lenguajes humanos no aparecieron coincidentemente, sino que son un reflejo de nuestro ADN inherente. El biofísico y biólogo molecular ruso Pjotr Garjajev y sus colegas también exploraron el comportamiento vibratorio del ADN. “Los cromosomas vivos funcionan como computadoras solitónicas/holograficas usando la radiación láser del ADN endógeno”. Eso significa que uno simplemente puede usar palabras y oraciones del lenguaje humano para influir sobre el ADN o reprogramarlo.

Los maestros espirituales y religiosos de la antigüedad han sabido, desde hace miles de años, que nuestro cuerpo se puede programar por medio del lenguaje, las palabras y el pensamiento. Ahora eso se ha probado y explicado científicamente. La sorpresa mayor fue descubrir la manera en que el 90% del “ADN Chatarra” almacena la información. “Imaginemos una biblioteca que en lugar de archivar miles de libros sólo guarda el alfabeto común a todos los libros, entonces, cuando uno solicita la información de un determinado libro, el alfabeto reúne todo lo contenido en sus páginas y nos lo pone a nuestra disposición”, aclaró Garjajev. Esto nos abre las puertas a un misterio aún mayor: que la verdadera “biblioteca” estaría fuera de nuestros cuerpos en algún lugar desconocido del cosmos y que el ADN estaría en comunicación permanente con este reservorio universal de conocimiento.


El investigador Dan Winter, que desarrollara un programa de computación para estudiar las ondas sinusoidales que emite el corazón bajo respuestas emocionales, en una fase de la investigación con sus colegas, Fred Wolf y Carlos Suárez, analizó las vibraciones del lenguaje hebreo con un espectrograma. Lo que descubrieron fue que los pictogramas que representan los símbolos del alfabeto hebreo se correspondían exactamente con la figura que conforma la longitud de onda del sonido de cada palabra.

Es decir que la forma de cada letra era la exacta figura que formaba dicha longitud de onda al ser vocalizada. También comprobaron que los símbolos que conforman el alfabeto son representaciones geométricas. En el caso del alfabeto hebreo, las 22 gráficos utilizados como letras son 22 nombres propios originalmente usados para designar diferentes estados o estructuras de una única energía cósmica sagrada, la cual es la esencia y semblanza de todo lo que es. El libro del Génesis está escrito en este lenguaje.

Las letras de los antiguos alfabetos son formas estructuradas de energía vibracional que proyectan fuerzas propias de la estructura geométrica de la creación. De esta manera, con el lenguaje se puede tanto crear como destruir. El ser humano potencia el poder contenido en los alfabetos al sumarle el poder de su propia intención. Eso nos convierte en responsables directos de los procesos creacionales o destructivos en la vida. y con tan solo ¡la palabra!


Existe una capacidad demostrada en la que la palabra puede afectar la programación del ADN. La salud podría conservarse indefinidamente si nos orientamos en pensamientos, sentimientos, emociones y palabras creativas y, por sobre todo, bien intencionadas.

Los estudios del Instituto Heart Math nos abren un nuevo panorama hacia la curación, no solo de los humanos enfermos, sino también para la sanación planetaria. El instituto cree en la existencia de lo que ellos dieron en llamar “híper-comunicación”, una especie de red de Internet bajo la cual todos los organismos vivos estarían conectados y comunicados permitiendo la existencia de la llamada “conciencia colectiva”.

El Hearth Math declara que si todos los seres humanos fuéramos conscientes de la existencia de esta matriz de comunicación entre los seres vivos, y trabajáramos en la unificación de pensamientos con objetivos mancomunados, seríamos capaces de logros impensados, como la reversión repentina de procesos climáticos adversos.

El poder de los rezos, oraciones y peticiones, tal como nos lo han legado los antiguos esenios -potenciado por millares de personas-, nos otorgaría un poder que superaría al de cualquier potencia militar que quisiera imponernos su voluntad por la fuerza.

Este poder ha sido demostrado en especies animales como los delfines, que trabajan unificados en objetivos comunes. Los delfines utilizan patrones geométricos de híper-comunicación, ultrasonido y resonancias que les sirven para interactuar con las grillas energéticas del planeta. Estos animales poseen la capacidad de producir estructuras sónicas geométricas y armónicas bajo el agua. Podríamos afirmar que los delfines ayudan más a mantener el equilibrio planetario de lo que lo hacen los humanos.

Si Dios nos otorgó el poder, significa que quiere que nosotros, una vez alcanzado un nivel de conciencia determinado, ayudemos con respeto a la vida a ser co-creadores de su obra.

Este artículo ha sido publicado en la Revista ‘EL PLANETA URBANO’
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