sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Coaching Statistics

Coaching Statistics

Build a Commitment-Based Action-Oriented Organization Through Coaching

The International Coach Federation surveyed 210 coaching clients for demographic data and feedback /opinions about the value and use of coaching. Of these respondents, 197 were employed professionals. All had a formal, on-going relationship with a coach with an average duration of 9 months. Over 80% of the respondents had undergraduate degrees and over a third had Master’s degrees or higher.

Value of the coaching investment:

70% "very valuable" 28.5% "valuable"

Level of confidence in the coach:

50% confide in their coach as much as their best friend, spouse or therapist, 12% confide in their coach more than anyone else.

Main role of the coach:

84.8 % sounding board
78.1% motivator
56.7% friend
50.5% mentor
46.7% business consultant
41% teacher
Typical issues:

84.5 % time management
74.3% career guidance
73.8% business advice
58.6% relationship / family issues
51.9% physical / wellness issues
45.2% personal issues
39.5% goal-setting
38.1% financial guidance
11% creativity
Outcomes attributed to coaching:

67.6% higher level of self-awareness
62.4% smarter goal-setting
60.5% more balanced life
57.1% lower stress levels
52.9% self-discovery
52.4% more self-confidence
43.3% improvement in quality of life
39.5% enhanced communication skills
35.7% project completion
33.8% health or fitness improvement
33.3% better relationship with staff
33.3% better family relationships
31.9% increased energy
31.9% more fun
25.7% more income
25.7% stopped a bad habit
24.3% change in career
22.9% more free time
The survey was conducted by Amy Watson, Principal, PROfusion Public Relations, with survey design assistance by Jackie Rieves Watson, Ph.D., professor of Management and Statistics, Amber University.

An organization operating with a new master paradigm, the Re-Invention Paradigm, by contrast, develops an organizational context that operates from practices designed to invent and commit, the practices necessary to operate in a mode of transformation, declaring the future rather than predicting it, taking a stand rather than generating consensus, making bold promises that you don't know how to keep.
From The Last Word of Power by Tracy Gross

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